Sex life after baby

In a heated argument (on my part) my husband told me he hasn’t wanted to have sex with me while I have been pregnant. I completely understand that and knew it considering he sleeps on the couch most nights. I have had three kids in the last 5 yrs. He said I have been pregnant a lot and then there is the recovery. I think he means the breastfeeding. He hasn’t come out and said it but I know he doesn’t like having sex with me knowing that I breastfeed the baby either. He did say he used to enjoy going down on me but doesn’t want to now Bc he’s been in the delivery room with me. Soooo I didn’t think he ever enjoyed it. He hasn’t gone down on me in five years. I was always self conscious about how I look down there and now knowing this I just feel hurt. Years ago...I was concerned what would happen to my body after children. I do feel becoming a mom has made me feel less attractive...but hearing this wasn’t a confidence boost. He did say he finds me beautiful but it’s hard to find time for sex with our children. I guess I am wondering if anyone has had experiences where their SO has been a little put off with sex after the birth of a child? Have things returned to normal?