Do you ever feel bored in your relationship?

Sorry I need a rant...

I feel my relationship isn’t going anywhere. I am 25 and my partner is 28, we have been together for 2 years. I feel we are at the stage in our relationship where I want to move out and get our own place, but he doesn’t work and has no income. I have a job and been saving up but not enough for a house, but enough for half of a house to share if my partner had his share. He started college in august and hasn’t been attending, be just doesn’t seem to care or have any prospect for college/finding work. He still lives at home and doesn’t have his own room, meaning he’s always at my house where I stay with my mum, yet he moans we never get time to ourselves. We never go out and do things such as meals, cinema, bowling, couple things etc because he has no money. 70/80% of the time I pay for things but everytime we go out I don’t want to have to pay, I’m not saying I want a man to spoil me all the time but it would be nice to get treated to these things sometimes rather than me paying all the time. We don’t even go shopping because he has no money and I don’t want to spend Infront of him, if we buy in dinner it’s me who’s buying it, again I don’t mind because it’s for me too, but it would be nice to have the pressure off me paying all the time. I’ve spoke to him about work etc and what he wants to do and he just keeps saying he’s trying and gets moody with me. He went in a mood with me because I said I want a baby next year and not this year because i want to be in our own place and financially stable but his response was “when you get pregnant the council will give us a house, I think it would be good if you got pregnant soon because we could get a house sooner”. I don’t want to get pregnant just so we can get a house🤦🏻‍♀️? How would this make you guys feel? I feel the way things are going we’ll still be in this position next year.

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