What my stepson being here did to my son

My stepson moved in with me and my husband because the school in his district was just really shitty. We have decent schools here so he moved in with us. My son is 9 and has autism. He's non verbal. He's been in speech therapy for a while now. He took a fascination to my stepson. My stepson is in High School band and plays the flute. My son likes listening to his practice and would sit outside his door to listen. My stepson eventually started letting him come in his room and listen and talk to him. It was really sweet. They've been doing that for a few months. Last Friday after school, my stepson was practicing in the living room and my son was listening and my son said "Flute!" I dropped my damn tea. My husband looked at him too! We all know what we heard. He didn't say anything else the rest of the weekend so my husband said maybe it was a fluke. Monday his speech therapist teacher told me he said flute! So now I KNOW it's not a fluke! I cried when she said that. Laugh at me all you want I was overjoyed! He said it one other time that weeks and then just continued to listen to my stepson practice. I will admit I was nervous about him living with us. I've never dealt with teenagers and I know they can be a lot. I'm really happy he did though and ny son took such a liking to him! It warms my heart the bond they created over music. It gives me hope that maybe one day he will be fully verbal. As for now I'm happy with this amazing progress!