No friends😢

Since I graduated high school, I’ve had literally zero friends. I spend time with my boyfriend a lot, but it seems like he’s the only person who wants to talk to me...

I had friends in high school but they all stopped talking to me around graduation time (probably because of quarantine...) I haven’t made any new friends in college because literally everything is online and I feel weird searching my classmates up on social media without ever meeting them in person... I work full time at a coffee shop but most of my coworkers are 16-17 and I am in a different place in life being 19... I talk to them at work but we don’t talk outside of that.

I’m also jealous of my old friends and girls I went to school with... They all have so many friends and they seem so happy... they also do those dumb yolo things on Snapchat and get like hundreds of responses... I tried it once and I got zero responses... I have at least 50 people on Snapchat... wtf

Literally all I do is work, wait for my boyfriend to get home, and sleep... whenever I try to talk to someone they always end up slowly stopping talking to me... I feel like there’s something wrong with me. I think I’m an ok person... why can’t I make friends???