Weight loss

I feel SUPER embarrass by posting these but I truly do need some help! Before I had my daughter I was 160lbs I always weighed more than I looked. I’ll post a picture of me before. My daughter is currently 3 and with this whole quarantine lock down boy oh boy I’ve let myself GOOO. I weighed myself yesterday and I was 200! I’m clueless on what to do. I know the basics - eat right, drink water, exercise, etc. I just have no moviation? I absolutely hate it. I’ll stick to my routine for about 2 weeks then boom I lose all motivation. I’m also CLUELESS when it comes to eating right, basically all I know is salad, veggies and fruit. I wish I knew how to meal prep. I just want to feel myself and happy again. How can I stop craving outside food and sweets? 😞 I would also like to add I eat fast food almost everyday! I know that’s the BIG problem. People always tell me to just calorie count and I should be good but I eat fast food there is no way even by calorie counting I would lose weight with fast food lol.

Any tips, tricks ANYTHING will help. For my height (5’0) I should be 110-120. I’m not so much reaching for a number I’m reaching to where I feel confident in my own body.

** I’m very aware my body is never going to look how it did pre pregnancy, however I just posted it so you guys know what I mean by how I always weighed more than I actually looked. ( well to me )