Ok be honest with me

First I have to say that I love kids. I have two (one in heaven and one here on earth). I babysit i help out in youth at church (before covid). So don't call me a hater.

Well. When I was growing up I had a paper route. I think from like the age of 12 until 14. Anyways it taught me responsibility, gave me some spending money, and allowed me to meet amazing people that I still talk to (I'm 25 now BTW) all that fun stuff!

Now I'm grown. Have my apartment. And I have a paper girl. She's so sweet! But her mom. OMG.

Now the paper girl is little so I get that her mom does it with her no problem. Well in my apartment building there are 6 units. And I know for a fact that 3 of those units do not pay her (it is optional to pay). And thats cool. But because that used to be me, I do my best to pay her whenever I'm around. I miss her sometimes or don't always have cash. But I do always over pay when I'm able to.

Like its $6 a month for the paper. Nothing. I always make sure (again when I see her and when I have cash on hand) to give her $10 to $12. She's little and she does a good job okay!?!? And at Christmas she gets $25 in a Christmas card. I had good people on my route who spoiled me rotten so its the least I can do.

SO TONIGHT. The girl comes. I unfortunately only have $5 in change on me. So I told her I only have this on me and asked if she can come back tomorrow and ill be sure to go to the bank and get her the money.

The mother rudely told me "Its just 6 bucks lady" and rolled her eyes at me like im some monster. I apologized and said I'd have money for her tomorrow and she was like "come on Amy lets go" (fake name used).

I was like what?! I always do my best to pay and usually over pay and im getting lip from this woman?!?! Am I rude or something??