My husband loves his ego stroked

I think my husband texts people from his past for an ego boost or something. He’s bi and has gay friends he’s known for 20+ years. Over time, I realized a lot of his friends are only his friend because he’s “friend zoned” them. Even 20 years later, they still hit on him and calls him sexy, handsome, anything you can think of. I just don’t understand why my husband would continue to associate himself with people like that, except for the fact that they stroke his ego a bit. They’ll bring up how good he looked in the past, tell him that they fell in love with him, even “ jokingly” invite him to bed. It’s really annoying to keep coming across.

I know this may sound like cheating to a lot of you but my husband never feeds into it. He’ll just say thanks, & gloss over the advance like it never happened. He’s really good at not engaging in sexual conversations and shutting them down, but my question is why even keep people around like that..