Just venting

So I’m 20 years old , and I’m such a loner person. I don’t have friends nor family really. My own blood sister cut me off because her baby father told her to cut me , her mom and rest of the family off because she would “ vent to us “ & he thought he looked crazy? He would cheat on her , make her sleep on the couch and etc etc. so a year went pass and I messaged her “ I miss her “ ... and we started communicating again.. this time they were done , she had moved into a place by her self & etc so I forgave her and etc.. she started her own lil local business , so I made her a website and also taught her how to get more money by selling items since she only had one job to try to support herself and pay all bills.. two weeks later ... she CUT ME OFF AGAIN. No explanation, no nothing. But I promised myself I will never talk to her again or hit her up because that’s so damn mean and rude. I also deleted her ENTIRE booking website!!! I worked hard on it , I deleted it!!