He won't stop screaming in my ear

I'm about to let my African Grey fly loose. I cannot take his screaming anymore. A few months back he got into this horrible habit of making a single high pitched scream for ANYTHING. And I literally mean ANYTHING. He wants out his cage? Scream. He's walking on the floor? Scream. I'm taking out his water bowl? Scream. Giving him food? Scream. At the top of the curtain rail? Scream. Putting him to bed and opening him up in the morning? Scream and scream.

He often does this RIGHT in my ear too. I've tried to distract him with other noises when I'm about to give him food but it doesn't work. I've tried covering him up when he does it, doesn't work. I've lost my temper with him a few times but he still doesn't get it.

I really don't know what to do with him. I've taken to wearing headphones when I'm close to his cage but I can't wear them all the time, I need to listen for my phone or the gate or if there's issues, etc. I also actually just want him to STOP DOING IT. My ears are physically sore from him doing this.

Anything else I can try, before I set him free?

*** I'm not going to set him free but I actually might consider a rehome at this stage.

**** I will look for a trainer. I pay attention to them all the time. I work from home and they're out for 7+ hours a day. Just got new toys over the weekend again. They were both rescues (the one that screams we've had for 10 years now) and when I give him the most love I can without him biting me, he screams in my ear when done. I sit in the same room with them, give them snacks all the time (everytime I come out the kitchen they hurry back into their cages and sit by their food bowls waiting for their treat). He often comes and sits on the couch behind me and watches what I'm doing. I don't leave them alone often, and I make sure that when they're in their cages (morning only) they can see me. I have them in their cages mornings because this one that screams needs constant supervision and I need to be able to get some work done uninterrupted.