Relationship help/self worth

Long story short i have a really great boyfriend but for the past 8 months i feel as if something switched in him. I constantly overthink about how he feels about me and ive been like crying a lot over him. We’ve been together for almost 2 years. He has gone above and beyond to help my mom and i financially. But idk if hes doing it out of pitty or if hes just a good person. I don’t feel the love from him anymore and ive brought it up to him a lottttt. Im afraid hes not being honest with me and i always have a come and go gut feeling that he doesn’t love me the same anymore. He told me yesterday that he thinks hes been depressed and is depressed. Could this be the reason why ive seen such a shut off? During quarantine he drifted away because i suffered a lot of anxiety and wasnt able to see him and he told me he got lushed back but obviously didnt stop loving me. Im just so tired of feeling like this and feeling unsatisfied. Im so scared to lose him, hes my first serious relationship and he was the one who perused me for over 8 months before i even saw him for the first time. Its like he was more in love with me at first and now the roles have switched. He went back home recently and his texting was very dry and not consistent and i asked if we could just call because his conversations seemed forced. He let me know that he felt a bit smothered. Idk what im doing wrong.