Need advice

My boyfriend left to go back home and his apartment is a MESS. He is usually a clean person and keeps everything clean but... his apartment literally looked like a tornado went thru it. He just let me know he may be depressed. He says he lacks motivation and he is super pessimistic about the year ahead and has no idea what he wants to do out of college. When he left to go back home, i decided (for the the first time ever) to help him out and just tidy up his place when he leaves. He has helped my mom and i tirelessly, i decided that its the least that i can do so when he comes back home he cqn start fresh and with a new mindset.

My mom makes comments to me about how im like being a housewife and comparing me to my dads mom whos a typical housewife. It angers me since my dad and his side of the family has fucked my mom and i over and i dont like being compared to them. I understand my mom doesnt want my bf to use me, but he is literally like family... we’be been together for two years and i think me helping him dueing this time of low mental health isnt making me look needy or super clingy. I just wanted to do something nice for him and now im wondering if ive done too much...