Asserting dominance or just being aggressive?

Grace 🦋 pcos 🌻 👧🏻👧🏼👼🏼

My brothers dog has been known to not get along well with other dogs . There was an issue with my parents dog and his dog where they both went after some dropped food and my brothers dog then went after my parents dog and bit him. My brothers dog was his wife’s dog before they met and when she got him as a puppy didn’t know he was part chow . Apparently he used to get along with dogs but after a situation where a dog bit my sister in law he changed .

My husband and I got a puppy a few months ago and when we bring her over to hang out at my brothers they will put their dog away and my sister in law gets very anxious with wanting to introduce them . Our dogs have been in the same room before , mine in a cage at the time so their dog didn’t really care . Then there was one time where he was accidentally let out when we were over and he would ignore my dog , she even went up to his face and he did nothing .

However tonight we went over and my brother wanted to try to let them meet again because he wants them to get along . At first he seemed fine was wagging his tail but my husband was hold our dog . Then he walked away from them . Once he let our dog down and she went up to him and sniffed his face to say hi my brothers dog went after her and got her by the neck and they had to pull him off . He didn’t hurt her , he just scared her, and didn’t break her skin . But it took a minute to get him off and my other brother even said he saw him try and go after her again . The brother who owns the dog seems to think it was a dominance thing and maybe he will do it a few more times and then my dog will learn. My other 2 brothers as well as myself and my husband do not think that’s what it was. We don’t think he should have gone after her for her just sniffing him and wanting to say hi . We obviously don’t want to try that again because next time maybe he wont let go and will bite harder and actually hurt my puppy or worse . Its not worth the risk but my one brother doesn’t understand that just because we got lucky this time and he didn’t hurt her that he won’t next time . I understand he wants his dog to be nice and get along with her or other dogs . But some dogs just don’t or he should get a trainer to work with his dog to help . But I think he’s in denial that that was an aggression thing not a dominance thing .