Putting your pet down..


I have a 15 year old chihuahua. For some time now she hasn't been doing well. Her hearing is terrible and her legs/hips have been weak. We have wood floors and she slips all over the place because her legs give out when she first gets out of her bed. Her back legs also waddle.. im not sure if its because she's in pain or they are weak or sore? She has recently started peeing on the floor. She pees trails across the floor which makes me think her bladder is giving out.

Some people have brought up that it may be time to put her down.. I have never considered this as a real option before.. are these things reasons enough to end my pets life rather than let her die naturally when her time comes? 😔 I've had her since she was 10 weeks old..

If you have put your pet down before.. how did you know it was the right decision?