Houston, TX Curfew Law!

Ok, so I have a sister who’s 15 and keeps sneaking out. Going to stores etc w/out her masks etc. I’m tired of her sneaking out while she stays w/someone then comes home after staying anight after she’s went out and came home w/who knows god what now yk..

She usually asks to stay w/a friend and she’s allowed too.. but when she does those girls sneak out take a walk between the hours of 11:30-1:AM past curfew hours they wait to do that so her friends parents go to bed and they can sneak out.. I know they don’t do anything “bad” but just recently their was a kidnapping of a girl age 15! Not that far..

It’s not safe walking around that time of night..

she doesn’t care and understand that..

I’m just wondering if theirs a number for like a curfew person to go out and get her while she’s out..

This has been going on for MONTHS and no one believes me when I say something about it...cause she’s the “Angel”.

I just rather they pick her up then someone else pick her up yk.

She’s gone to court for other things treason etc. but they won’t believe when I say she’s sneaking out which makes 0 sense.

I just need a non-emergency or Curfew law number for houston Tx/Friendswood Area