3 year old slaps you in the face, hard...what do you do?


Went through the hitting phase at 1.5 years and have long been done with it.

We’re entering into a new phase of acting out physically though and I’m not happy about this regression. I would LOVE advice to shorten it, nip it in the bud, and put it behind us as quickly as possible!

He’s a good, smart kid in a loving home. We practice gentle parenting for the most part though sometimes he gets a little pop on the booty on his way to the occasional time out when whatever he’s done is truly egregious.

Suddenly now, when he doesn’t get his way, he’s been lashing out or yelling “go away!” Or “no!” with a super angry little face.

Last week he flailed at me like an animal trying to hit me repeatedly but not hard. And the other day he pulled my hair, hard.

He has no older siblings to set bad examples and watches mostly PBS, has never seen anyone get slapped or anyone pull someone’s hair to my knowledge. We certainly have never done that to him!

All I can think is he must have observed some bad habits at his Mother’s Day Out twice a week. 🤷‍♀️

He is gifted with language and speaks like a 5 year old and thinks and plays like a 4 year old, but apparently is currently feeling emotions like a 2 year old. 🙄

So that’s the situation, hit me up with advice please!! 💕