Feeling like a failure


I'm almost 38 weeks with my 4th child. I have been working 7 nights a week this entire pregnancy (janitorial cleaner I clean 7 different buildings by myself) My cesarean is scheduled for the 28th of this month. Got sent to l&d for observation yesterday after my weekly ob appointment due to high blood pressure and pain/contractions. I am dilated and in labor but not ACTIVE labor so they sent me home. Told me I need to rest and take it easy til the baby gets here. But that it's a recommendation not an order. I took last night off. I feel like shit about it. I'm considering taking the next 12 days off as well. The past 3 days have been nearly unbearable physically and mentally. I feel like I've finally reached my limit. I wanted to work until the day of my cesarean. And now that I feel as if I cant any longer, I feel like a big fucking baby. A failure. A disappointment. Like I'm using this pregnancy as an excuse to be a lazy sack of shit. Like I'm letting my family down because this will be one less paycheck than I planned to make. My job will probably be in jeopardy as well. My boss has not been supportive at all and gave me attitude about not going in after getting discharged last night. I'm really struggling with myself and the decision I have to make. Should I just push myself the last 12 days? I've made it this far what's 12 more days...at the same time I feel physically nauseous thinking about working through the amount of pain I'm currently in