

Don’t get me wrong I love breastfeeding my little man but I hate it with a passion also 😂😂😂. Little man eats all the time and also pumping to have a stash for if I ever need anyone to watch him. Also my nipples are so sore but we are doing it almost a week I’ve had to give him formula twice due to him not being able to latch at that time he gets him self worked up to where it’s hard to calm him down to latch. Also my husband is sleep and I wanna throw something at his head 😂😂😂😂 went to bed at 3 have been up since 5. No sleep before baby and still no sleep now. I would not change a thing about it though I love every moment of it. How is everybody else doing? Anybody else feel the same way at times?

Also no one tells you about the cramping for the 1st week or 2 that hit after your little one is done feeding.