Baby hickeys?!


My little guy is only 2 weeks old and has loved to suck since the womb. We would get ultrasounds and find him sucking on his hands and arms. Was even born with suck blisters on both hands 🥺. Today I noticed a bruise on his lower forearm. I freaked out a bit but knew immediately it was from his constant sucking. I looked it up and apparently it’s common in babies that suck a lot.

He will barley take a pacifier and sucks any time he’s upset for comfort. He’ll spit out the paci just to suck on his own hand/arm or my hand or chest or wherever. I just don’t know what to do. I looked it up and apparently some people have been reported by their peds for this?!? It’s ridiculous.

Do I dress him in long sleeves til he stops doing it to avoid another bruise?? We swaddle him from waist down bc he hates his hands being confined so that’s not an option. I just want to make sure he’s ok 😔. Anyone had this problem with their little ones??