Baby not sleeping😣


FTM here. We did taking cara babies newborn class and loved it! I thought we had made it through without a regression but I think it’s hitting him late. He always did a great job sleeping at night but naps were a struggle... usually 20-35 minutes. Ever since we transitioned him out of the swaddle a few weeks ago nighttime and naps have been so much worse. At first I thought it was the swaddle, but now I’m thinking it’s a regression. He literally will not go down without screaming. We’ve tried rocking him to sleep out of desperation, but as soon as he feels himself leaving our bodies, he wakes up and is hysterical. We got him down last night at 7:30, and he woke up at 11:30 and wouldn’t sleep unless he was being held, so my husband and I took turns. His naps have gotten shorter too, around 15-20 minutes. Once he wakes up I hold him for the rest of it so he can get some sleep. I don’t want him to get into the habit of being held, but I don’t know what else to do because he needs to sleep. I’ve tried letting him cio for ten minutes but his face was blue by the end from screaming and his sheets were soaked from all the tears. Please no negative comments I’m just so overwhelmed and want to do what’s best for both of us😔