Newly diagnosed with PCOS! Any help or recommendations?


I've been diagnosed today! My husband and I have been trying for our 5th and final baby since march. All my other children we conceived really easily so it does come as a bit of a shock. My problem seems to be I'm not ovulating and my cycles are irregular. (Didn't have this problem previously) Since march I had one period at the end of October and nothing since. I was wondering if anyone could recommend anything to help regulate cycles? My GP isn't willing to give me anything till we have been trying for a year then she will refer me to fertility clinic and they may try clomid or metformin and my husband will had to do s semen analysis but because of being overweight my sister (she has pcos too) said they won't do anything anyway and with already having 4 children. Obviously my main priority is changing my lifestyle and trying to lose weight and get more active but I was wondering if there was anything else I could try in these next 3 months to maximize my chances of not needing fertility referral 😩 thank you