Dry orgasms


Hey dads, I need men’s feedback...

my SO (35y man) has been having dry orgasms, I’m 27weeks pregnant so I know it’s not every time but probably a third of the time whenever I give him a bj it’s dry (I’m not at all concerned that it’s my bj skills 😏😎) I don’t know about when we have sex because he doesn’t pullout.

He’s never said anything about it and I have not brought it up to him either because I don’t want to embarrass him but i am worried that there is an underlying health issue that he might need to go to the doctor about. I don’t know if he masturbates or not  I if he doesn’t masturbate would he know if he were actually ejaculating or not? could he possibly not know he’s having dry orgasms?

As a man would you rather your significant other bring this up in conversation or act like it weren’t happening?