Looking for advice not judgement


Hey mommas!

I’m currently 13 weeks pregnant.

My husband and I live in Texas, his side of the family lives in Ohio before we found out I was pregnant we planned a trip to Ohio for Christmas.

We have still then planning on going, we want to surprise his family for Christmas. My side of the family all already knows. So Monday we found out that my husband‘s grandmother has Covid and cancer. We’re devastated, supposedly she supposed to be cleared by the 19th that’s Saturday that is not 10 days quarantine so I don’t understand where that is coming from.  I feel very uncomfortable with it. My husband was by my side about possibly not going or just not being around his grandmother. This might be the last time we see her and this really sucks. My sister is a labor and delivery nurse, her and my OB have both seen Covid positive pregnant women going into preterm labor. So with that being said I am terrified and I just don’t really know what to do. We’re hoping his grandma will get another Covid test done preferably after 10 days & hopes that it come back negative. Honestly I don’t wanna be around her unless she gets another Covid test and it comes back negative. My husband feels differently because this might be the last time he sees his grandma. On another note my best friend is getting proposed to and they have been waiting for me to come in town so I can be there for the engagement that’s also a surprise. So I really want to be there. 😕