Is it possible?

Lacey • Married 💍 to an amazing man🧔🏻, mama to a handsome little boy 👦🏻 born 6/9/17 and a beautiful baby girl 👧🏻 born 3/15/19 Pregnant with baby #3 due December ❤️

I’ve posted this on TTC but also I am going to post it here, I hope someone has some insight.

My husband and I are trying for baby #3 and for the past three days I’ve had severe lower back pain and dull achey burning like sensations in my ovaries or near them. Has anyone experienced anything similar to this and gotten their BFP? I’ve felt cramping similar to this with my first two children but this is worse. Could it be from being my third child? Maybe from having two c-sections? Any input is gladly appreciated. Thank you in advance.