To those who just got another BFN, this touched my heart so I wanted to share, ‘tis the season 🎄

mrs.sparkz • Mami to Emmy 💕

I’ve been on BC since I was 17, now 33 and my husband 35. Been together for 5 years married for 1 this last June. On our anniversary we agreed it was time to go off BC so it’s been 6 months. Around the same time our good friends were hiding the news they were 1 week pregnant!! So incredibly excited for them being due in Feb. 🥰 ANYWAY, she and I have gotten closer as her pregnancy progresses and they know we’ve been TTC since back then. Although SHE is the mama to be she continually chats me to check in on how I’m doing, knowing how much I wish to get that BFP some day.

Well I just got my period yesterday, after a 34 day cycle, the longest one I’ve had. I’d be lying if I didn’t say part of me thought this might be the one (even though I haven’t “felt” preggo, however that is supposed to feel). I’d also be lying if I didn’t say I’m deeply saddened/disappointed/frustrated. I’ve done everything right, I’ve exercised, quit alcohol, caffeine and most recently sugar 2 weeks ago... but, hello auntie flow! SO nice to see you again, not! 🤨

She didn’t know I got my period yesterday, how could she, but she sent me this tonight with the sweetest message. My eyes welled up and my chest got tight with sadness, happiness, gratitude and peace all at once.

Her message I’m sharing with all of you in hopes it brings you a small amount of peace this Christmas season.

“I've been thinking about you two lots. I know everything happens in its own time but this is something i wish strongly for you both. Please know I send you all the positive energy and baby dust. ❤”

When it’s meant to be, it will be. Sincere baby dust to all 💜