Infertility sucks

Joeleane • Every day is another struggle, but we know our dream of having a family will come true. Six years trying fifteen losses, and done iuis and IVf. But we shall not fail.

I want to hold you and clothe you and love you like never before.

I pray every day that god blesses us this gift of our own!

How can it be so hard to see

When giving birth is suppose to come so naturally!

Some people try and succeed immediately, but here we are year after year and god still hasn’t answered our plea.

When will our time come to share with the world a precious gift that came from the lord?

Two lines on a test that doesn’t fade fast.

The greatest gift a girl could ask.

I ask you again please help me grow our family! 💔💔

I just don’t understand how we are not able to get pregnant, and when we do it ends in miscarriage. There are people who hate children and make terrible parents, and they get pregnant instantly! Why not us? What have we done so wrong? Feelings discouraged and heart broken and there is nothing I want more in the world then to give my husband a child.