Buy Christmas gifts for SO?

My fiancé and I have been together 5 years. We have a 3 year old son and a little girl on the way. I had mentioned to my fiancé that I was nervous his gifts wouldn’t be delivered in time for Christmas, so he might get them a little late. You wanna know his response??? “Did you find something for yourself from me?” I stopped and just stared for a minute. I was like “no, was I supposed to?”

**for context, we usually struggle a lot with money and haven’t gotten gifts for eachother in the past, just focused on the baby’s gifts but this year, all year long, we’ve been comfortable and had the extra money**

He replied “well yeah, I don’t know what you would want”

Y’all. That hurt my soul. After 5 years together, he has zero idea what I might want for Christmas? And it’s not like I have expensive taste... fuzzy comfort items (socks, blankets), candles, and other little shit like that. I mentioned something to a coworker that he had said that and he goes “wait even I know that you like fuzzy shit, smell good shit, the cheap girly stuff. You’d be easy”

Am I over reacting?