Sex Life for bi wife

My husband has a big issue with how I present sex meaning no raunchiness or aggressive sexual behavior. I can ask for it but not directly or voice if I'm horny it turns into slut-shame and I feel bad of course for how I like sex but He likes me to be ready when he's comfortable and the act of head or sex days are chosen by him. We talked about a threesome but he changed his mind when he saw me talking to other girls .Anything new has to be suggested by him but we both agreed on it as I am comfortable. My sex life before him was pretty open but since being with him I feel my sex life is very limited and I have to hold back a lot. I always liked both sexes and thought this would never be an issue as we were open to each other before marriage since knowing each other over ten years. I don't know what to do as it is becoming depressing and making me feel used and unsatisfied.