Man. Feeling like complete shit.

I seriously am at my wits end. My husband has a low sex drive due to pretty much in the dirt testosterone. And I try and be supportive and try not to ask to much because I know he just never wants to do it. We have struggled with infertility and took 2 years to conceive with

<a href="">IUI</a>

. Well we are in a different spot this year and we are trying since my son was born. We are going on 9 months. We have decided to try our own little

<a href="">IUI</a>

this month and we come in the bedroom to bd and he just says can I hurry and just jack off because I want to play video games with my brothers. And I kind of snapped back saying I can’t have 5 fucking minutes?! And so now I’m without sperm and suppose to ovulate tomorrow. And it’s not looking promising. We are in a huge fight and I just am over it. I’m over the heart break every month of not being able to conceive and already feeling like shit because of that. I have a high sex drive and so I feel like all we do is fight when it comes to sex because he doesn’t want to and I do and feeling rejected but I know it’s his testosterone. Idk I just needed to vent. I have no one to talk to about this stuff and so I just struggle. I just wish my sex drive was lower so we didn’t fight so much. Yes he’s tried pills and shots but with us trying to get pregnant again he stopped the shots.

Trying to stay anonymous...

I feel like dating and beginning of marriage it was really good. We would do it multiple times a day. But now it’s totally different