
Audrey • baby #1 born Oct. 2018, baby #2 born Aug. 2020

My body just doesn’t respond well to pumping. With my first baby I used a Medela. Luckily I only went back to work for eight weeks because I seriously struggled to pump enough to feed my daughter. I was able to breastfeed her until just over a year old at which she naturally started weaning. With number 2, my son I got a Spectra and it’s the same... I’m lucky to get 2oz even if it’s been hours since I fed him. My son is gaining weight and a super happy little guy so I’m pretty certain he’s getting plenty but for some reason the pump just isn’t good at getting the milk out of me. Praying I’m able to stay home until next school year so I can breastfeed baby boy until he is one. Just wanted to share in case anyone here has the same problem 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Posted at
I’ve been an exclusive pumper with both of mine. Even though I’m an “experienced” pumper I had a hell of a time with my second. It took several weeks of trying different sized breastshields and different settings before I finalllllly found what would drain me. But that was my issue, I was barely getting anything out yet I knew there was a lot in there.


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So I chatted with a lactation consultant for free on: www.happyfamilyorganics.com


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I can barely get anything out with the pump...and now it’s much much better than when I first started but still only a couple of ounces. Thank you for sharing 🙏🏽


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I recommend using the haaka when your son feeds on one side and you attach it on the other. Also, double pumping helps a lot, so if you can get a second pump to use simultaneously, that should help... but I would reach out to a lactation consultant. One hour of their time is definitely worth the benefits of breast milk for your baby! I am so sorry your are having this issue though, it happened to me for the first two months but I am not sure what changed and now I can pump more...


Posted at
Have you met with a lactation consultant? They can help with pumping too


Audrey • Dec 21, 2020
I haven’t. Thanks for the suggestion. I didn’t think of that.


Posted at
Yep same! Never worked with my first and never worked with my second. I'm having to switch to formula because I'm going back to work.... It's such a shame


Emma • Dec 22, 2020
Yeah I'm going to see if I can pump more when she's not nursing during the day but I doubt that will be enough for her. I quite like nursing but I hate pumping


Audrey • Dec 22, 2020
That stinks. I’m glad that formula exists as an option but I hate that breastfeeding isn’t going to work out fit you this time.