Sex and pregnancy - Please help 🤦🏼‍♀️

I love my boyfriend but I feel like our sex drives don’t match lately.

Im currently 20 weeks and before I got pregnant and in early pregnancy I had a low sex drive (bc of covid, cramping/pain, and morning sickness), he would always tell me how he felt like we weren’t having a lot of sex and that when I did, he thought I was only doing it to make him feel good. That I never initiated sex and it made him feel like he wasn’t really wanted. We also had a few arguments over it. I felt terrible but I was so sick and in pain, there wasn’t anything I could do to change it.

Ever since I was about 13 weeks, my sex drive sky rocketed. I was kind of excited bc I felt like I could make up for all the sex we missed. But now I’M the one feeling the EXACT way that HE explained to ME in the past. We just spent 4 full days together and I initiated each time and did most of the work. Now I’m feeling like he’s only having sex with me so I can get off. He doesn’t really seem interested.

I’m just sexually frustrated and I don’t know what to do. I have thought about bringing it up but I don’t want to make him feel terrible like I did when the roles were reversed. I’m not expecting it to match perfectly but I feel we’re always polar opposites