TWW - Too early to be nauseous?

I just woke up at 4 am feeling nauseous. I chewed some tums to see if that would help since I do have GERD, no luck. I laid in bed a little longer then went to the restroom. When I stood up from the toilet I got really sick and actually vomited a couple of times. That’s the first time in like 10+ years I’ve gotten sick like that. Very unusual for me... I’ve had a few fleeting waves of nausea this past week and my appetite has been kinda blah. But I don’t feel bad like I would with a stomach bug. I also have been having back pain, slight stomach cramps (I have PCOS and IBS so cramps happen all the time for me), was moody for no reason, tired, and had acne for the last couple of days. It’s not unusual for me to have those symptoms during PMS, it’s a little early for me to have all of them though.

We haven’t been TTC for a couple of years. I ovulated on the 11 or 12th so I’d be 9 or 10 days DPO. I was wanting to wait and test on Christmas Day. But..... that wait part is always challenging lol

Do you think it’s too early to have N/V related to a new pregnancy? I know id just now be around implantation unless it was an early implant.
