Ovulating while on family vacation... and sharing a room


January 3-10 were suppose to be going to Florida for a week to hang with my husbands parents. Well last night he drops a bomb on me. I told him I was worried because that exact week is my projected ovulation week (and normally my peak day is as predicted or one day off). I really thought this was my month but I’m 1 or 2 days before my expected period and it’s still BFN. So I’m already half heartbroken and super ready for this next cycle when he drops the bomb on me. His response to me being worried about my ovulation week is “yeah that is a problem because we have to share a room with mom and dad”. We’re talking about the lady who came upstairs to her sons room to literally just sit and watch me clean his room while he took a shower because you know ‘he might slip upstairs after it and no one would notice and we might start going to pound town’. The lady who never has made me feel very welcome, always make my anxiety jump because I feel as though she’s always judging me. It took me 6 months or more probably to even sit in the same chair as my husband because I felt like if I even remotely touched him while at their house I got the evil eye. All because his brother and his girlfriend can’t sleep in the same room. Not bed, room! They’re 23 and 26! Otherwise we have to sleep boys and girls to the rooms and my husband and I would have to sleep apart. As if I wasn’t already nervous about this because I’ve never been on vacation with them and this is the first time I won’t have a way out (a possibility to leave if I’m uncomfortable like I can at home). I know it’s not that big of a deal, but this lady makes my anxiety skyrocket. And now we have to sleep in the same room right next to her? On vacation most couples get a little privacy for a few minutes a day just to talk or whatever because they can close their door. But nope. I’m stuck for a week without even being able to have a private conversation with my husband and my peak day will most likely be while we’re down there. When he told me, I immediately burst into tears because my anxiety in my chest just burst and I didn’t know how to handle the news. It makes me so uncomfortable beyond description. And I’m already upset because I was so so SO sure this was our month but nope. And now knowing we have to skip this next cycle just makes me so sad and frustrated. I know I’m rambling but I’m just so so nervous and anxious and sad about this week now and I’m not sure what to do. Sorry for the rant, I just had to get it off my chest how I was feeling.