2 months postpartum , pregnant again 😫

Ahjah • Boy girl mama 10.06.20💙09.03.21💖

First let me start off with. I WAS NOT TRYING OR DID NOT WANT TO GET PREGNANT AGAIN!! I just had my first baby on October 6th he’s only 2 months . Well my period returned in November and it was regular just how it was before I didn’t bleed any heavier or any less ! But I did have less pains with my period . Furthermore me and my sons father had sex the night of thanksgiving and we were tipsy & careless I admit !! I began ovulation spotting the day after and a week later I started feeling cramps in my lower back and stomach but no period for a week straight and that was my very first symptom with my son .. this time I’m just super nauseous !! My period was 6 days late so I decided to take a test and it’s faint but it’s there

My son will be 11 weeks old tomorrow and I just wish I gave him time to be the only baby .. my bf doesn’t get to see his daughter because the mom has a husband and tries to pretend it’s his baby ! But I am happy that my son has a sibling close and age that he will be able to grow up with in the same house hold

I admit I’m very nervous to have 2 babies under 1 in diapers.. but god know what he’s doing and if it was meant for me to have 2 babies young so be it .. I’m FREAKING TF OUT but I know I got this .. this is just extra motivation for me to go harder for my babies !! 😞🥰 I’m only 19 my bf is 20 .. after this I’m FOR SURE getting on birth control cause no ma’am I’m good with my two😂😘 ughh life is reallll lol , but I’m ready for it all !!🥰