Boyfriend wants a break

I’ve been talking to this guy all year and actually started being my bf a little over 3 months ago. He has been moving into a new place since the beginning of the month. I’ve been there almost every single day to help him renovate. This week he’s been more stressed than ever. He has a daughter who he’s had to take time away from, has a full time job, and is trying to get everything done by Christmas.

Yesterday he was working while I was at his house helping his family move his things in. He barely texted me all day. I called him for something about the house after I thought he was off and he didn’t answer. I called again. He finally called me back and was saying how stressed he was and was basically just ranting about everything. He started to get frustrated with me and we ended up just both upset. He told me towards the very end that he needs a break to just relax and settle down. That it’s for his mental health otherwise he’s going to have a breakdown. I told him that I don’t really believe in breaks but he told me that if I truly like him so much that I need to do this for him.

A while ago I agreed to be at his house today while something was being installed since he’s at work. He texted me saying he appreciates me being there and thanked me a few times. We never discussed the break last night and I want to know what’s going through his mind. It seems more like he wants one to have less stress and focus on himself, but at the same time I don’t know what he sees happening. He told me we’d talk about it more today but idk if I should even bring it up? He doesnt take relationships lightly as he has a daughter, I just don’t know what to do.