What my step kids got me for Christmas

I married a man with 7 children. I love each and every one of them. There are 6 girls, 1 boy. It was a lot to be with a man with so many responsibilities but I love him and I live his children. I had never actually gotten pregnant myself and I wanted to have a chance to carry a baby, but I figured my husband would think I'm crazy since he has 7 and the two youngest are 8. I did talk to him about it and he said he needed time to think. He told me the next day he would love to have a baby with me. We are now pregnant with baby #8 amd the kids are excited.

Today they said they had an early Christmas present and wanted to know of I would adopt them! I said yes of course! I can't believe they want me to become their legal mama and I'm having our LAST baby. My husband made it clear no more after this one lol. I'm have never felt more like a mom then when they asked me to adopt them. I didn't become a mom when I saw those two pink lines. I've been a mama all along!