F*ck it all


I'm pregnant, I have 2 young boys (4yrs and 17months), a dog, and 1 husband who just doesn't get it.

I'm tired, feeling like shit, over the quarantine, have minimal babysitting options (only option is about a 75 minute drive each way so 1 trip total takes about 2.5-3hours depending on traffic), and I'm fucking over it.

My husband does help sorta but he leaves for work at 7:50am and comes homes at about 6:30pm so by the time he comes home he basically eats dinner, plays a bit with the boys and 9/10 I give the boys their bath, and I ALWAYS put the boys to sleep.

I love my husband but I'm fucking over it. He doesn't appreciate me and thinks that I am "milking" the pregnancy or using it as excuses.

He doesn't understand that every pregnancy is different and this one is kicking my ass. I am losing my mind.

I think I'm going to try and find a weekend job just so I can get out of the house and my husband will have no choice but to watch the kids by himself on the weekends.

I need some me time and getting a job might be the only way I get it. I already know my husband is going to try and say I don't need to get a job but fuck that. I'm done worrying about him and putting him and everyone else ahead of myself and my sanity.


rant over*