Clearblue advanced & pregmate combo

Alyssa • Ttc babe #1 💕💕

Hello ladies~ I’ve been tracking with pregmates for ovulation since september. This month I used both pregmates and clearblue advanced for the first time... on the 20th I got a negative clearblue (just an empty circle) and a negative pregmate. When I woke up yesterday morning (the 21st) I got a solid smiley clearblue advanced (positive) and a negative but almost positive pregmate. I have two questions- is it odd that I didn’t get a blinking smiley inbetween a very low fertility and peak fertility day with the clearblue advanced? And then also the directions for the clearblue seem super confusing- it says you can get a peak fertility (solid smiley) for up to two days BUT to stop testing after your first one? So do I do one this morning when I wake up or no since I’ve already gotten one? LOL please someone help and explain!