How do I already have a positive?

I am so confused. It’s not that I am not happy. I truly am. I am honestly just shocked. My fiancé and I have only had sex once this month because of how stressed out and busy we have both been.

My period ended the beginning of this month, like the 4th or the 5th. I tested yesterday morning because I was having some hardcore pregnancy symptoms, but I really was expecting a negative.

How is this possible? I even took three different types of tests just to be sure.

Has this happened to anyone? How am I getting such bright positives so early in my cycle?

I also have PCOS and had lost a few littles on my journey to trying to conceive my first. Which plays into the shock factor of how I got pregnant so fast. Also, with my first, I never got positives like this. They were extremely faint even when I had missed my period.