COVID and family being around

So we have a 4 month old and my side of the family takes Covid seriously. My husbands family takes it seriously to an extent.. they still have large gatherings of 12 family members and his mom went to a small party the other day and now her husbands father is in the hospital fighting Covid along with Other health issues. ( hes in a nursing home) How do I tell my husband he needs to have a talk with his mom about if she wants to continue seeing our baby she needs to be more careful. He always says “she wears a mask when she’s out” “it’s no different than us going to get groceries” we do our shopping once a week and mask or no mask people are still getting the virus. They also just got back from vacation, luckily they didn’t come over for 2 weeks. I don’t want to sound rude but I would appreciate them taking it seriously like my family and myself does. And she kisses on my baby 😡 she tried to book us a vacation for April and I had to put my foot down and say no. I am not going on vacation with an infant during a pandemic. I’m starting to resent her because I feel like she’s not on the same page as me. It’s probably because I’m very soft spoken and expect my husband to know right from wrong but he doesn’t 🙄 he wanted to go to a wedding and said HE HAS to go because it’s his best friends wedding. I’m just tired of stressing over this