Please tell me I have every right to be mad and that I’m not over reacting. Dude has a baby and is lying????

I am so tired of feeling like I’m being played and lied to. I’m 23 and my BF is 22 and we met and been in a relationship since I was 20. On thanksgiving we go over to his Uncles and Grandpas house for the first time and his brothers and mom are there. So we’re chilling then one of his brothers asks so how’s the kid doing? My boyfriend said something like wtf why would you say that you know I don’t have a kid trick ass. And his uncle said I’ve seen a picture and it looks like you. Hold up what kid! So we’re in the car and I ask and be told me that when he had his appendix removed he was heavily drugged and a girl got on top and had sex with him and she’s been obsessed with him since and has tried to claim she was pregnant and had his baby. Ok I get it, guys can be a victim so I let it go. We’re spending the weekend with his family and some girl messages me on FB saying she was caught drunk driving and if Logan doesn’t show up to the court date the custody of the kid will go to his dad. Also said if it weren’t for me, he’d be there raising the kid. Ugh it still makes me so mad, so I confront him and he says she’s lying. So the day pasts and my boyfriends dad FaceTimes him and mentions how ... got caught drunk and since she’s not 21 the kid has to stay with close relatives. So I went on FB looked up my boyfriends dad and he has years of posts about this child and pictures and my boyfriends mom sent Christmas presents for the kid and went to visit them a month prior. I’m furious! So I’m unblocked the baby momma and ask her for details she sends me proof of their messages and explained everything. She just turned 18 and her baby is 4. She had the baby at 14. And my BF was well over age. The kid has his last name and they named the kid but he left couple months before she gave birth.

I asked his mom and she basically told me don’t worry honey we’re aware of the drama this girl tries to cause. I asked about court date as he missed it and she said ya they’re not doing the hearing. I asked why she went to visit and sends money and she lied again and said she didn’t. You didn’t??? Then you must have a fucking twin as you were in the pic holding the kid.

I tell my bf and he gets all mad. He still said she got on top of him but he kept hooking up with her for months after. He went on a trip with her to his grandpa and uncles house and she lied to her mom saying he was 15 and she threatened to call the cops on him. Oh the scar on his upper arm he got from motor cross apparently was from him being so angry she lied he cut his own arm. He gave name suggestions but his mom paid for him to move away and shaortly after the baby momma gave birth I met him couple months after. He didn’t tell me this. Still denied it’s his kid but yet won’t take a DNA test and I said ya you won’t because it will come back as yours. I was so fucking mad I started yelling

We were talking about marriage in the next year, we looked at houses, I spent so much time with him and gave him so much only to have it be a lie. I told him I’m done and he told me stop I’m being dramatic. HIS WHOLE FAMILY KNEW AND HIS MOM LIED TO ME STRAIGHT UP. His other brother just recently apologized

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