Need advice

Heyy I really need advice. So this guy and I started talking about a week ago (never met him in person), we’ve been on FaceTime everyday since, literally almost all night. I really already asked him all there is to ask and we talk about some things but for the most part we’re just in eachothers presence through the phone since we live in different states. He just expressed to me how I never talk and if it’s gonna be like that all the time and how we cant be on FaceTime everytime not talking about anything. I’m not an awkward person and I’m not really all that shy but I’m really stuck here. I try soooo hard to start new conversations but it’s always just one word answers and that’s it. I’ve told him that he don’t really be tryna talk about things to me but he said he does. He says he wants to know how my day was and what I did but I’m literally at work all morning, same shit different day so there’s nothing to talk about my day. I really like him and I know he likes me but I don’t know what to do, I’m just naturally a quiet person. Idk if it’s because he’s not physically in front of me or what it is. I don’t know what to tell him or what to do differently or how I can fix this.