Christmas Baby 🎄


Three years ago I found out I was pregnant with my son. I was 10 days late and had test twice days before and both were negative so I thought my period was just being weird. The night before I told God "if my period is not here in the morning then I'll take another test" and sure enough no period and the test was positive! I fell to my knees and praised God more than I ever had. I drove to my husband's work and immediately told him and cried happy tears!

Months prior I had asked God for a baby for Christmas and he answered my prayer! Well now I feel like He's answering the prayer again! I'm 35 weeks and having constant Braxton Hicks and today they've been accompanied by some uncomfortable cramps! I know that this could literally mean nothing, but I have this feeling like this baby will be here sooner rather than later!!

Anyways, cheers to the Christmas babies! May God answer your prayers this Christmas!!