Hopeful.. Very Hopeful


Hey ladies,

So my fiancé and I have decided to try for a baby. I’m 21 and he’s 24. We’ve been tracking my ovulation. So this last fertile week, we had sex a decent amount honestly. Probably more than we normally do within a few days.

My period was 2 days late and just like 2 hours ago, I had very very light pink spotting only when I wipe so I put on a panty liner. I just went pee again (I’ve been having to go more than normal) and nothing on it but I wiped and there was barely anything on the tissue. I kinda pushed the tissue closer into my vaginal canal and the blood is more red than pink or brown inside the canal.

I’m praying that this is is just implantation bleeding. Even never had a period start like this before. It usually just starts and has a decent flow. I’ve been a lot more tired lately and my lower back has been bothering me. The little random cramps I’ve been feeling for the last week and a 1/2 or so have felt like its right above my vagina or like really low in my stomach. Paired with nipple tenderness and constipation ..