Does she know what she’s talking about


- her and her family’s white, middle class and she’s straight

- She’ll tell me about how she got into an argument with her mom about how no cops are good and about how her mom tries to tell her that they are though

- When I asked her how she feels about living in a white middle class town she told me she doesn’t really think about it (which makes sense because she is white and so is her family)

- I’m black and white, got adopted to a middle class area and not straight meanwhile I got adopted by white parents and my siblings are dark skinned so I don’t feel so comfortable living in a white town with everything going on.

- when I was with her family out to dinner one night I ordered chicken, fries and lemonade and her dad said “of course that’s what she likes” and her mom laughed

* I noticed a lot of people started speaking out against racism especially white meanwhile I question what do they really know about it or they’re experience with it? I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say this girl never experienced racism or injustice of any kind.

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