Babies movement 31 weeks

I’m 31 weeks with anterior placenta, my whole pregnancy my babies movements have been up and down. I have a heart monitor so that’s kept me from calling my OB every other day lol.

Some days she moves a lot others I feel her twice, people keep saying on here that there should be a pattern but there isn’t really.

All last night I felt her sweet little kicks but then all day she’s been quite. I got nervous so I came to my bed to lye down and try to feel her, I’ve felt her 10 times in 30 minutes. I think everything is okay but it’s so hard to tell.

Also it’s not easy for me to just “go get checked out” my husband and I are paying cash for everything. Me going to L&D would cost me an arm and a leg.

Did anyone else experience this???? I’m paranoid