Having a hard time with MIL

My husband and I are Christians. I grew up catholic but we were catholic in name only. A few years ago I let that part of me go and became a Christian.

My husband and I are very involved in our church. My MIL is a very strict christian and she has switched churches more times in the past couple of years than I can keep track of. All of them aren’t strict enough for her. She doesn’t decorate for Christmas because she thinks it’s all pagan influenced and shouldn’t be enjoyed. I love everything Christmas. I always have.

She’s visiting with us because I had surgery. Well today she decided all our decorations needed to come down. My husband didn’t say anything and just let her do it. He knows how I feel about Christmas too. This was my first Christmas since losing my brother in June and I just wanted to enjoy something happy. It upset me and I ended up saying I wasn’t feeling well and laying down so I would go against her. Seeing as my husband didn’t push it, I didn’t either.

She’s become so strict with things and my husband is following along with her. All she wants to do when she visits is make me do stuff around our house when I just want to visit. All she wants to watch in the evenings with us is bible studies. Which I enjoy but I do enjoy watching other things too.

She makes me feel like I’m a bad Christian. Pushes me around when she visits and my husband just gives me a 🤷🏻‍♀️ response. I love her I truly do but I don’t even look forward to her visiting. She says things that hurt my feelings too. Like today she made a comment in front of my husband about how we need to move to FL where they live now. That the only reason I stay here is because of my family and that’s it. If my family lived there that I wouldn’t keep her son and granddaughter here. My husband says I always take things personally so I didn’t say anything about it. She pokes at our church. So much now that my husband thinks it isn’t good enough and that we should keep a look out for a more strict church.

I may be a newer Christian than them but this is too much. I feel sad and crazy.