Should I tell my friend off?

So long story short, my friend is a nurse and when the pandemic started she went to the beach with her friends. Came home and gave it to all her family and her mom died. I felt bad for her because my dad died but like ten years ago so I understood the pain. I thought this would change her behavior but it didn’t. She continued going on trips to the beach and now she is going on cross country trips. Somehow she got the vaccine before one of my other nurse friends and my sister who’s a nurse doesn’t even know when she’ll get a vaccine.

Now she keeps snapping me pics of her trips to various places. I’m actually not being an idiot during this whole pandemic. I feel like telling her off because she is legit not taking this seriously and it’s really making me mad. Also all her friends are on social media going to weddings as well so there’s no bubble they’re maintaining. Usually I don’t speak out but I’m about to because she keeps sending me these snaps ... I’m beyond pissed this is stupid as fuck.

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