Ectopic pregnancy question for you wonderful ladys

M&M • 32,Mother to a 7 year old boy and 3 girls ages 6 years , 4 year old , 2 year old and 2 angels and Baby boy born 12/21/2021.

Sorry this is going to be long. So I found out I was pregnant on December 6th had my blood test to confirming it and it was 132 and again on the 8th it was 232 well the 12th cam and I started bleeding so I knew I was going to miscarriage so I went in on the 14th and doctor confirmed it my hcg had dropped to 32 well it was going down and then stared going back up we tested the 16th well doctor did ultrasound found i had a ectopic pregnancy and sent me to get methotrexate at the hospital so I didn't have to have surgery well that was the 23rd that I did that. Well today I had more blood work done to make sure my hcg is going down and that the methotrexate is working well I got the results back and they are still going up I have to have my levels checked again on the 30th but now in the mean time I I'm confused and not sure what the hell is going on with my body and worried I'm going to have to have surgery now. Has anyone had this happen? Thanks for reading if you made it this far.