Am I wrong for feeling jealous?

So my maternity leave is finishing up here in a week, I’ve been home for the past 18 months looking after our baby and doing online school with our 9 year old. I’ll be going back to work in a hospital full time after next week. While I’ve been at home with the kids 24/7 my husband has had a life of hanging out with friends whenever he likes, snowboarding trips to the mountains with his friends, and the freedom to do whatever he wants whenever he wants. He never plans anything fun as a family and he seems to only care about himself. Never asks me if I need a break or anything. Well now he’s planning a boys trip to Mexico in the spring with his friends, he’s been bragging about it and hyping it up. Me and the kids aren’t invited tho so once again I’m the one stuck at home. I do feel jealous and a little hurt. Is it wrong of me to feel jealous? I haven’t gotten to do anything “fun” in ages and it seems like he’s living his best life while I’m the one raising the kids.