Mom guilt

Any other moms with toddlers feel guilty they’re not giving them they’re full attention, and the baby hasn’t even arrived yet?!?! I felt particularly bad yesterday, I’m anemic and the iron pills haven’t had enough time to take effect. So I was super low energy, had horrible carpal tunnel pain, and baby girl was digging into my lungs so couldn’t do much without losing my breath. I literally just wanted to watch Netflix all day and my 3 year old was bouncing off the walls. And then I’d see dad and the grandparents playing with him and being goofy, like he deserves, and it just killed me I couldn’t muster the energy. And I know it’s not going to get better after baby arrives. How do all you moms do it with more than 1 kiddo, bc at this point I’m really worried I won’t ever have the energy to have the relationship with my 3 year old we had before I did pregnant. He is the definition of mamas boy and my best friend.